Friday, August 22, 2008

Slow Process Getting Started

Hey everyone,

I know it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted but there hasn't been that much activity around here. We had another hang up with the county! Big surprise! In reviewing our file right before they approved our plans.....................hmmmmm, they discovered we needed to pay a community development fee, to the tune of 6500.00. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT? For crying out loud, we live in Wimer, we have no development out here. Anyway, having our cash in an account that takes a few days to get to, that set us back another week. Well, we paid it and the county approved our plans and the cement guys were out on Wednesday and built the forms for the footings. We had our first county inspection yesterday and it was approved. We expected to see them back today to actually pour the footings but NO. I guess it will be Monday before that happens now.
We know all of this is in God's hands so we are being patient and letting Him work all this out in His time. One thing for sure, part of the contract with our builder is from the day the footings are started, they have 6 months to completion, so I know it will eventually get there. We have been on a different time schedule and need to line ours up with His, knowing it is "perfect".
Anyway, the few pictures we have right now aren't enough to post so I decided to wait until we actually have a cement truck pouring to post any of them.
SOON! I'll be back in touch.

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