Monday, August 11, 2008

Nothing new on the house yet!

Hey everyone,

For any of you who have visited our blog, did you notice I added our song to it? The reason for the name of our blog and the song is because, from just about anywhere, my grandchildren have to go..........."Over the river and through the woods" to get to grandpa and grandma's house. We try to make it fun for them.

Even though we've heard stories about not upsetting the county building department, Dennis finally got tired of hearing nothing and called them. Come to find out in the shuffle of paperwork, ours got buried on someones desk, uh-huh, they are soooooooooo busy you know, with the economy as slow as it is. Anyway, she was very apologetic for it having gotten lost and taking so long, she put it on the plan inspectors desk and we expect to hear from them any day now. Today would be great!

It's not that we haven't had plenty to do around here with the huge garden that I can hardly stay ahead of. One of our neighbors came over to chat a bit and as he was backing out of the driveway, Dennis grabbed a couple of big zucchini I had just picked and tried to flag him down. He floored it hollering................ "no, no, you can't make me take those". Luke, our son-in-law asked how many zucchini plants I planted and when I told him only one, he said, "that's one too many". Ha Ha. I like zucchini and try to do a lot with them, they are great stuffed, casseroles, sauteed, squash medley and the famous everyone does, zucchini bread but I can't do anymore.

I actually think I might have to go to Saturday Market with my tomatoes. I've never done that before but I'm experimenting on some varieties this year to fine tune my planting for my canning and sauces so my plants are so big and so full and I have so many, you can hear them groaning down in the garden. I mentioned to Dennis that I could set up a vegetable stand at the road and he told me with as much as I have I'd have to barricade the road and force people to take the stuff. Oh well, I'll feed Rogue River.
Then we've been busy with trying to change some of the landscaping on this place and finish some of the rest of it. Plowing, planting, trimming, hauling rock etc., etc., etc.
I'll try to post some pictures of the garden (if it will let me in) and a few new ones around the property as things change.
Hopefully we'll have some foundation pad and basement walls going up soon and I'll get those pictures on too.


Heidi said...

So???? Did the County lose your paperwork again? Seems like it's been long enough!

Anonymous said...

What's the hang up??? C'mon, let's get this thing DONE!!!

Heidi said...

OK....waiting for pictures! I know you have people out there working now!