Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello everyone,
This blogging thing is new to us but we were talked into it by our children so we could share with everyone the home building process we are beginning. We closed escrow on my birthday, July 18th and the excavators were out on Friday, July 25th and Monday, July 28th. They dug out the side of the hill and firmed up a foundation for the basement. Their job is done and now we wait for the pad to be poured.
We are very excited about this and look forward to the process. We hope that you are excited for us as well and can look forward to this process with us as I try to keep you updated with pictures along the way.
Here are the first of many to come, can't wait for all of you to see it in person, enjoy...................


Jym said...


Heidi said...

Ditto Jim's comment!
How could we NOT be excited about this! Way overdue!!!
What is the reason for drivefastmydapplegray?

Dennis and Margie said...

Heidi..........look at the title of our site and then google, "Over the river and through the woods"

Heidi said...

GOT IT! I just didn't know all the words to that song